
Experienced already the joy volunteer work can bring by several events organized under the own entity “somethingoodforsociety”. Being e.g. responsible to organize fundraising events to make it possible that disabled could participate to the Special Olympics by making use of a network established over 30 Years being in an international sport environment. Just grateful for that.
Another volunteer event that was done with the same entity, (somethingoodforsociety) was to help out Silke Pan, (a formal circus artists that ended up in a wheelchair) and host an ‘arrivee’ in Aigle when she was going down the river Rhone from Brig to Geneva in 4 days. Amazing to witness. The joy it created for her but also the publicity generated for giving disabled people the opportunity to practice sport was enormous and grateful to do.
What was done as well once was arranging ‘the neutral assistance’ for a group of enthusiasts to support a friend that despite his MS wanted to do once more the climb of the Mt Ventoux. He could not do it anymore on a bike and had to fall back on his scootmobile, but still what a courage to just undertake it. And with his action he could donate more as € 50k to the MS Foundation in the Netherlands.
So mail what kind of volunteer work is asked to do and what kind of eventual charity is behind. But in principle ‘open for a lot’, under the condition that the charity is meant to do: “somethingoodforsociety”.

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